Elevation Certification
Once a property is determined to be in a Special Flood Hazard Area, in some cases an Elevation Certification needs to be done. An Elevation Certification
is used for determining an insurance premium rate and is required for Post-FIRM construction. An Elevation Certification does not change the status of the
Flood Zone. This can only be achieved through the
LOMA process. An Elevation Determination compares building elevations to a Flood Insurance
Rate Map's (FIRM) Base Flood Elevation (BFE). If a building is located in a special flood hazard area (SFHA), but is elevated above the BFE, G.C.E. can
provide the property owner with an Elevation Certification for the purpose of requesting that FEMA provide a Letter of Map Amendment (LOMA).
Standard Flood Hazard Determination Form (SFHDF)
NFIP Elevation Certificate and Instructions